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A public library operated by the City of Myrtle Beach
Hours :
Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
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Library Policies


Policies are necessary to ensure the safety of our patrons and proper usage of library facilites so that all may enjoy their visit. For questions regarding library policy, please call the library at 843-918-1275. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Chapin Memorial Library Policy on Patron Conduct

As the center of learning for a diverse and inclusive community, Chapin Memorial Library encourages the use of its facilities by the people we serve. We pledge to conduct our interactions with respect and to provide an atmosphere conducive to learning and the effective delivery of library services to our patrons. In return, our patrons are asked to conduct themselves in a lawful, orderly, and considerate manner.

Any behavior that disrupts the orderly use of the Library is prohibited. This includes, without limitation, behavior that constitutes a nuisance, or presents a safety and/or security hazard or affects the ability of the library staff to provide service to its patrons. The following actions are examples of conduct not allowed on library property:

  1. Possessing weapons of any kind, either concealed or in plain view
  2. Using threatening, profane, or offensive language or gestures
  3. Using computers, phones, and other devices at a volume that disturbs other patrons or library staff; creating excessive noise or disruptions
  4. Bringing in luggage, duffel bags, bedrolls, frame backpacks, suitcases, or other personal property; leaving packages or any other personal items unattended
  5. Leaving a child, age twelve or under, unsupervised or unattended, anywhere in or on library premises
  6. Furnishing false information to a library staff member or library representative
  7. Being in library facilities with bare feet or without a shirt, or being otherwise attired so as to create a threat to health or safety or disrupt other patrons’ use of the library facilities
  8. Violating the Library’s Policy on Internet and Computer Use; disabling, circumventing, or breaching library software on public computers and/or misusing library computers
  9. Being in the library while under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  10. Soliciting, including, but not limited to, soliciting for money, donations, or signatures; or posting or distributing material without permission
  11. Using restrooms for bathing or laundry purposes
  12. Sleeping in or on library premises
  13. Smoking or use of electronic nicotine delivery systems, such as e-cigarettes, on library property
  14. Mutilating, defacing or destroying library property, real or personal

Subject to Search

By entering into any library facility, all patrons consent to search by the Library of bundles, packages, backpacks, briefcases, purses, and other containers, upon entering or leaving library buildings, in order to protect and preserve the safety and security of property and people using the Library.

Rev. 9/14/15

Loan Limits

  • 30 Books
  • 10 Audio Books
  • 5 DVDs
  • 10 Magazines

Loan Periods

Every item has a loan period of 3 weeks except for:

  • DVDs: 1 week
  • Magazines: 1 week
  • New Fiction Books: 2 weeks


Fines are $0.10 cents per day, per item for all materials, except for New Books, which are $0.25 cents per day, per item. Fines for Inter-Library loans are $1.00 per day, per item. When the total amount of fines owed excedes $10.00 the library account is blocked. The maximum fine for Chapin Library owned materials is $5.00 per item. The maximum fine for Inter-Library loans is usually equal to the replacement cost of the item, but it can be more depending on the policy of the lending library.


You may renew items up to 2 times unless someone has a hold on the item you want to renew. You may renew your items by phone or go on our website and log into your account and renew from there.

Lost or Damaged Items

If an item that is checked out on your account (or an associated account) is lost or is damaged, the primary card holder is responsible for paying the full price listed in our system to replace the item. Alternatively, the card holder has the option of trying to purchase the same item elsewhere at a lesser cost than our price. The replacement copy must be an exact copy of the item. Please see Customer Service staff for details.

Internet and Computer Acceptable Use Policy

Including (but not limited to) Library Computers, Internet Use and WIFI

Chapin Memorial Library provides materials and services to help residents, city staff and visitors obtain information to meet their educational, professional, recreational and personal needs. Chapin Memorial Library provides public computers with Internet access and productivity software and wireless internet access as some tools to fulfill those needs. The Internet offers access to local, national and international sources of information. However, not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete or current information. Individuals must exercise judgment in evaluating information via the Internet and must assume personal responsibility for use of the Internet.  More information may be found at

Computer Use Guidelines & Responsibilities

Patrons may sign-in to public workstations with a Chapin Memorial Library card or a Chapin Memorial Library Computer Use card. A PIN is required to sign-in to a public workstation. Computer Use cards are available to residents of the City of Myrtle Beach or non-residents. Patrons must use their own card for use and access.

  1. The library staff may limit time available for computer use in response to computer demand.
  2. Patrons must have their Chapin Memorial Library card number/barcode or Computer Use card number/barcode to access computers. Library cards may be replaced for a $2.00 fee.
  3. Files stored to the computer will not be available for later retrieval.
  4. Patrons are responsible for all printing costs.
  5. Computers automatically log off after 2 minutes of inactivity.
  6. Reservations will automatically be canceled if patrons do not log on within 10 minutes of their reservation time.

The patron is responsible for knowledge of all laws for which they may or may not be held in violation. This includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Using the Library's access to the Internet for any purposes that violate federal, state, or local laws.
  2. Damaging or attempting to damage computer equipment or software.
  3. Propagating malicious or harmful software.
  4. Violating copyright laws or software licensing agreements.
  5. Altering or attempting to alter software configurations and/or installing software.
  6. Attempting to access unauthorized files or systems.

While Chapin Memorial Library upholds a patron’s rights to privacy and confidentiality in their use of library materials, the nature of electronic resources makes it impossible to guarantee these rights. The library does not offer a secure network; it is the patron’s responsibility to determine if the website is secure. Chapin Memorial Library assumes no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, that may occur from the use of its electronic resources.

The library does not guarantee access to all websites or external networks due to Acts of Nature, power failure and/or external and internal system security. Maintenance and upgrades will be scheduled and posted.

Computer Use by Minors

  1. Parents/legal guardians are responsible for deciding which library resources are appropriate for their minor child/children.
  2. As with other library materials, restriction of a child’s access to the Internet is the responsibility of the child’s parent/legal guardian.
  3. Chapin Memorial Library complies with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). Library public workstations and WIFI are filtered to prevent access to materials which might be reasonably construed as being either obscene or child pornography, or to materials which might otherwise be construed to be harmful to minors. Chapin Memorial Library cannot and does not guarantee that the filtering software will block all obscenity or materials that are harmful to minors. Nor can Chapin Memorial Library guarantee that the filtering software will not restrict access to sites that may have legitimate research or other value.

Staff Assistance

Library staff will assist electronic resource users in a manner consistent with other Library services. The availability of staff and needs of other Library users will necessarily affect the extent of assistance in computer, Internet, and mobile device use.  Library staff will provide specific electronic resource skill training for patrons during scheduled classes and/or prearranged appointments.


Violations will result in loss of access and / or other library privileges, financial responsibility for damaged equipment, being banned from library premises, and/or criminal prosecution by local, state or federal authority.


It is the responsibility of all library staff and supervisors to understand this policy fully to ensure its fair and equitable application. Interpreting and enforcing the Electronic Resource Policy daily is the responsibility of all library employees who interact with patrons. It is the responsibility of the Technology Administrator, Information Services Librarian, and Library Director with the advice of the Library Advisory Board, to interpret, monitor, and recommend updates to the policy. Library patrons may petition these policies in writing and submitting them to Library Administration. Library Administration will then review and consider any petitions.

 The Library reserves the right to amend these policies at any given time. A copy of the policy is posted on the library website and users must agree to the terms of this policy before accessing the Internet via a public workstation or public WIFI provided by Chapin Memorial Library.

Child Computer and Internet Safety Policy

Chapin Memorial Library provides the Children’s Services Department computers to assist children and parents obtain access to productivity software and Internet access for educational and personal needs in both a wired and wireless environment.

As required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), in order to remain eligible for certain federal funding, the Library has implemented software filtering on all of its Internet-accessible computer terminals. The software installed on Internet-accessible computers at the Library protects against access to visual depictions of obscenity, child pornography, and, in the case of persons under the age of 17 years, materials that are “harmful to minors.” Users should be aware, however, that all currently available filtering software results in a degree of both “underblocking” (i.e.,permitting access to certain material that falls within the foregoing categories) and “overblocking” (i.e., denying access to certain constitutionally protected material that does not fall within the foregoing categories). The Library has attempted to select filtering software that best complies with CIPA while providing Library users with the broadest possible access to constitutionally protected speech and information. The Library cannot and does not guarantee that the filtering software will block all obscenity, child pornography, or materials that are harmful to minors. Nor can the Library guarantee that the filtering software will not restrict access to sites that may have legitimate research or other value.

Under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA), 15 U.S.C. 6501–6505 certain commercial websites that collect personal identification information from their users cannot do so for children under age 13 without parental consent, Chapin Memorial Library filters the use of those websites on the computers used in the children’s service area. Young children need to abide by that restriction whenever it is stated at any website.
Parents are advised that no filter replaces parental supervision.  Parents are responsible for their child’s use of the Internet.  For more information on children and the Internet, ask a Library Staff member for a copy of Child Safety on the information Highway or view this document online at

Additionally, Chapin Memorial Library’s Electronic Resource Policy applies to Internet access in all areas and department of the Library.  The library reserves the right to amend these policies at any given time. A copy of the written policy is available up request and the policy is posted in the library.

What Parents Should Know

“Blogging,” “friending,” “tagging,” and “Googling” are all part of the new language of cyberspace. These are verbs children use every day to talk about what they do online. It is important that parents understand this new language and provide their children with guidance in navigating the Internet. The Internet is a wonderful tool for children to do research, play games, and communicate with family and friends. Unfortunately, just as people can be rude, obnoxious, and exploitative in person, the anonymity of the Internet can sometimes amplify poor behavior and create an environment that is not always appropriate for children.